By Tara Pamplona
Wigs are becoming a
new trend. This
trend has lasted for a long time and now, it is becoming a norm. When I think of a wig, I think, "Okay, options!" It has become just as important as my everyday outfits and my style. I can change my look any day of the week, whether it is a drastic change or a natural look, I love being able to control and choose how I want to look!
For anyone who might be going through hair loss, cancer, or if wigs are just for personal use or religious purposes, wigs are a way of expressing your inner-most confidence and beauty. The
Mona-Mor Collection Wig Line can do exactly that for you. Not only are the wigs comfortable and light on the head, the Wig Fairy staff is more than willing to offer the best quality service to each client that walks into the salon.
Lastly, as I was browsing the web I tumbled acorss one of the most inspirational people in the Wig Industry:
Sophie Van Der Stap
With love,
The Fairies